In order to protect the health of its passengers and employees, Sheremetyevo Airport has built upon its COVID-19 safety measures.

Sheremetyevo International Airport (SVO) has developed a full range of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with the guidelines and recommendations of state agencies and medical institutions in order to ensure the health and safety of passengers, visitors and employees.
In accordance with the regulations of the government of Moscow, only people travelling with appropriate masks and gloves will be allowed to enter Sheremetyevo Airport‘s terminals, and the body temperatures of all individuals entering the terminals will be measured.
Additional preventive measures
Sheremetyevo Airport is taking additional preventive measures to ensure that the airport’s environment is as safe as possible.
Monitoring of health of all persons arriving at the airport
All arriving passengers will be subjected to non-contact thermometry at all airport terminals. Twenty-three stationary thermovision cameras are being used to identify persons who could be infected with COVID-19.
Area disinfection
The disinfection of all areas has been increased, as well as the frequency of wet cleaning, and periodic checks of the operability of the ventilation system are made. Cleaning companies make sure that all contact surfaces are disinfected at least every two to four hours, and automatic non-contact hand sanitisers have been installed.
Information for passengers
In places of possible passenger congestion, bright floor markings have been applied in order to help people maintain adequate social distance.
At the airport, passengers are fully informed about the prevention of the spread of COVID-19. Audio announcements are regularly broadcast, and the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor (the Russian Federal Service on Surveillance of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare) are posted on information desks and on monitors in the airport terminals. In the arrival areas, there are information guidebooks on how to register remotely for sick leave without violating the self-isolation order.
Protection and monitoring of the personnel health
Masks, gloves and antiseptics are available for sale in pharmacies and vending machines.
Personnel involved in passenger servicing are provided with personal protective equipment, and all airport employees undergo mandatory checks of body temperature at 10 specialised service health centres before starting work.
Airport personnel are tested for COVID-19 in accordance with the requirements of the the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation.